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Proving to be one of the best maps ever, Aztec is also one of the greatest strategic maps ever created. In this map, the key point is teamplay and defending each other. Camping may also be a tactic, if done right and in the correct position. For Aztec, I will be providing you with general information, T strategies, CT strategies, frag hints (designed for a pub player), and sniping/camping locations.

General Information
Aztec is a large and very open map so I would suggest the long-range weapons and toggling scope weapons (AUG, AWM, the AK, SIG, the Colt, and sometimes the Scout). If you are low on funds and could only afford a TMP or MP5 Navy, stay close to the bridge to defend your teammates. It is advisable that you move stealthily and cautiously in this wide open map. Turning a corner may cause you to confront three well-armed opponents. Most of the time, you will come in contact with an enemy at the bridge, the double doors, or the water underneath the bridge.

The primary bombsite is the one in the open, near the second set of double doors. The secondary bombsite is located closer to the bridge and the CT spawn.

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The bridge is a focus of the map.
The double doors and primary bombsite become a major role in the strategy of a terrorist player. In this area, I suggest you move slowly and methodical to survive! The weapon you carry should be an AK, SIG, or MP5 so you can move quickly when you move. An AWM is useless here. Now run to the bombsite, with the bomb, and hide behind the boxes to avoid any wandering CTs coming from the right. When all is clear, plant the bomb and head towards the CT wooden doors. Sit here and pick off any other CTs who try and come to defuse the bomb. Now, an AWM may be good because you have a wider and closer view to attack any CTs coming to defuse the bomb. Remember, as a sniper, you should stay still.

The water and secondary bombsite are two areas where CTs wait to pick you off. For starters, keep an eye out on the bridge so you do not be maimed or hit there. Keep on the dry banks and away from the water, it slows you down too much. Also, the water emits a sound when someone goes in and comes out of it. Run up the stairs ahead to the right and keep clear of the other ramp because it gives you no cover what-so-ever. Continue to start moving towards the CT sniper loft. Here you can pick off a few AWM snipers with a flank. Once you reach the bombsite, place the bomb behind the crate and take cover behind another crate until you hear a CT trying to defuse the bomb. Immediately emerge and attack your enemy.





The suspension bridge is one of the toughest locations in this map to pass. Other than the CT sniping loft across the bridge, you also have to watch out underneath you! A lot of CTs run underneath the bridge to get up to the terrorist base easier. So a smoke grenade may be helpful to get across when you have realized that the CT sniping loft is clear of CTs. Before going anywhere, check down with a toggling scope rifle, preferably the SIG, and eliminate any CTs. If there is an enemy on the opposing side of the bridge, throw a flashbang, charge them quickly, and attack any CTs camping or waiting for you there. Note: If there is a problem with any CTs on the opposite side of the bridge, jump down INTO the water. Make sure you land in the water because you won't become hurt! 

The water and secondary bombsite are difficult to reach, but there are several ways to reach them. An audacious person can jump down from the suspension bridge and make his way from there. Only do this if you are quick to the bridge (before any terrorists arrive). It might make more sense to jump into the water from the primary bombsite. This may be less risky, but be careful of any other terrorists near the double doors. If you're in the water and you take fire, move to the left and hide behind a gap for cover. The stairs are another possibility, but do not take any chances by wandering there alone! So quickly jump into the water whenever you get the chance to. The stairs by the primary bombsite is an excellent place for cover and to pick off any terrorists coming to plant the bomb.

For a CT, the AWM is one of the best weapons when attacking from the suspension bridge. You have great cover behind the boxes or the wall and you have a great view to attack the terrorists from above. Remember to guard or have someone else guard the stairs that lead up from the water, on you're right. If you do not guard it, you will take attacks from there. For good cover, hide behind the back box. There you have a good escape route and enough cover not to be blown away. If you cannot buy a long-range rifle or AWM, take a good handgun of sub-machine gun and locate yourself in the corner of the loft. In this corner, you'll have maximum coverage and you can attack any terrorists coming from the opposite side.

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The double doors area is another focus of the map. This is the hardest choke-point to beat.
The double doors and primary bombsite are mandatory to cover from any terrorists. 75% of the time the bomb is placed by the primary bombsite, so watch out for terrorists there. I would suggest moving along the topside and the other pair of wooden doors to reach the primary bombsite. You can also take the route from the secondary bombsite and up the stairs and wait there for any terrorists making there way to the double doors or primary bombsite. It is easier to take a position at the primary bombsite because terrorists rarely creep from behind. At the primary bombsite take a good position with a good cover and a good view to guard the double doors. To weaken terrorists, throw a grenade by the double doors if there is a sudden rush.

Frag Hints
» As a terrorist, jump into the water and run up the stairs for many frags. Here you can sit and wait while looking at all of the paths and attack from the rear. An alternative is to rush across the suspension bridge to the primary bombsite the long way via the CT base. However, this alternative can be dangerous and is not suggested. Be sure to watch your flanks whenever you go out in the open near the primary bombsite quad.

» As a CT, get a quick-firing rifle and try to surprise your opponents from the rear. This is best performed by jumping in the water directly from the bridge and wading to the terrorist base. It would make sense to rush up the stairs immediately if your opponents are fast. However, the terrorists take their time so I recommend taking the route through the T base and clear the area by flanking.

Sniping/Camping Locations
» The T/CT loft makes a nice place to camp or snipe. If you want to snipe, I suggest you take cover behind one of the boxes or a corner at the back. There you have an escape route and it is harder for the opposing team to pick you off. If you want to camp, take a corner by the entrance and surprise any rushing T/CTs.

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Though this hiding spot is predictable, it may catch a few people off guard.
» If you are a terrorist, you can make a nice position in the big box. In the big box you can wait (a while) for any CTs coming from the water to the terrorist base. This box provides both good cover and a nice hiding place if you are a terrorist. I suggest you either buy a quick-firing gun like a MP5 Navy or an AK-47.

» You can get a good sniping position if you are a good rusher. With your knife make your way to the primary bombsite to the two boxes in the right hand corner. Take out your Scout or AWM and snipe off any terrorists coming from the double doors


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De_dust2 59,65%
De_Nuke 7,02%
De_inferno 22,81%
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De_tuscan 7,02%
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