de_inferno is another popular defusion map. This is a great map with many spots to sit and attack enemies. It also has great routes for escaping or rushing. This map is definately popular for both public server playing and clan matches. Other than fighting, you have great hiding spots to plant the bomb.
In this map strategy, I will be providing you with general information, first contact with the enemy, T strategies, CT strategies, frag hints, and sniping/camping locations. If you act now, I'll throw in a CS2D map.
General Information
In Barney's (aka narby) map, there are great positions worth purchasing the AWM. Other than this sniping rifle, a Colt, AK, or MP5 would work well on this map. This is a quick map, so be careful because you might be killed easily in the first few moments.
bombsite B |
First Contact with Enemies
» The window is a popular camping spot with many CTS.
» The short incline leading to bombsite B is heavily guarded often.
» As is the box hallway.
» If you are in the window area, you may see Ts as soon as you look out of it or coming towards you from the stairs/vent.
» The dark corner of the tunnel is a place where many people camp.
bombsite A |
The box hallway and bombsite A are areas for speed. Whoever gets to these locations first has the advantage over his opponent. If you have good running room, run to the box hallway and chuck a grenade directly at bombsite A. If you somehow arrive later, I recommend you avoid the box hallway and other spaces that provide CTs good covering area. This is a spot for the CTs to have much cover, so look closely and pick out your enemies with precision. In this area, there are two locations which you must observe: the narrow hallway to the right that leads to the CT base and directly around the corner to the left. Once the bomb is planted, it is best you position yourself behind the crate.
The terrorist house is a good place to retreat to if the CTs rush too often or simply are overpowering you. Guarding the entrance to the house is important so no CTs can sneak up behind you. Use convenient locations in the house to earn a few frags if there are several of them behind the window.
Like the terrorists, speed is important if you want to cover or rush down the box hallway. You only stand a chance if you start running instantly at the beginning of the round. Next, pass underneath the CT archway and throw a grenade directly at the short ramp below the high blind. This will cause great damage because many of the terrorists stay together when rushing to this area. Use numerous crates here for cover while reloading your weapon. Withdraw from the bombsite if you cannot hold the passage or if the terrorists appear too soon. Use the many boxes here for cover and to attack from varying angles and stall your opponents.
The terrorist house is meant to be hit with Flashbangs and HE Grenades if you want to storm it. Ensure they explode close to the staircase regardless of your throwing position. Concentrate on throwing it near the edge of the stairs or into the window. Remember: speed is of the utmost importance! Terrorists may easily bend unnoticed and disable you from behind.
Frag Hints
» As a terrorist, a good place to get a good amount of frags is to stand on the raised blind or on the ramp equipped with AWM or SIG. Remember: you must reach this area quickly for good positioning and aiming before any CTs arrive. You can also rush down the long passage or across plant zone B and attack CTs from behind.
» A CT can have a good position if he selects a spot in the window zone. However, a better way is to attack your opponents from the rear. Use the trench to get a lot of frags because many Ts fail to notice the exits.
The narrow trench is sneaky. |
» The narrow trench, which is forgotten by most, is ideal for free-for-alls: you can follow it to attack a bunch of opponents from the rear or make a fast escape down it when chased down by many opponents. This is a map where you should always keep moving and be vigilant of corners, dark areas, and windows in the buildings.
Camping/Sniping Positions
» A good camping position to take up is the second bombsite because it has enough boxes for good cover and to hide. If you are a CT, rush to this spot and sit there until a T comes and tries to plant the bomb. You are bound to get him while he is planting it.
The sniper's deck might be too popular to be smart. |
» As a terrorist, you can snipe from the sniper's down on to the ground where many CTs come and try to get you.
CTs will throw grenades at you so be aware of your enemies!
» The last good camping spot is the small passage way underneath the small plank. Here, you can attack anyone trying to rush by aiming up slightly out of the trench. Be careful because if an opposing team rushes quickly, they may be able to attack you from behind.