De Nuke
Here's a run down of some of the most strategic positions on de_nuke.? I'm providing you with the locations, directions of how to get there, ways of using it to the fullest, and routes to fall back into.?I've also included a list of what weapons I think work best for this map, and why.? And a list of routes to rush through, which weapons to use, and where NOT to rush.? Hope this can help make you as 133t as the rest of us : P
Weapons Best Suited for This Map:
· SIG Commando: It's powerful, has long range, and a scope for sniping capabilities. A bit of a steep price, but after a few rounds you can afford it.
· FNP-90:? By far the most universal sub, this thing can do it all, even sniping if you're a good shot!? With a 50 round clip, and a high ROF (Rate of Fire), this gun has all you need for the indoor areas of this map.
· G3 Sniper Rifle: While I don't usually touch this gun, it is quite effective on de_nuke.? With all of the open areas, you can easily perch yourself on the roof and take pot shots at passing CT's.? A winner on this map.
· M4A1:? Similar to the SIG in power, this guy is all around awesome.? Very quick reload, accurate enough for longer range shots, has a scope for some sniping, and it's silenced.
· MP-5:? Can't go wrong with this gun, good ROF, fast reload, accurate, and for $1500 bucks you can afford to lose it.
·?AWP Sniper Rifle: The T's need the faster firing G3 for a map like this.? But for CT's it's best to have the one hit kill rifle.? You can perch yourself in the rafters or outside and get lots of kills with this gun.? Just find a good spot, and rack up those frags baby!
Most strategic Positions:
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As always in all maps, a good sniping position is behind a box, or a pile of boxes.? Nuke has plenty of these.?Follow the same route as position 1, but this time CONTINUE right until you reach the set of boxes next the red portable.? Sitting behind those provides cover, and gives you another wide-open area to snipe from.? Watch for CT's behind you, and inside the gray building ahead of you.? If you get into trouble the best place to fall backwards to is the pile of boxes behind you to your right, jump up those get to the roof and take aim.? You've got the elevation factor on any CT's.?If someone comes up behind you, and you need to bolt to the front, I suggest taking cover inside of a building.?Preferably the one to your right with the bomb spot inside.? From in there you can take cover, and prepare an ambush for when they come in.?Try behind the vents, inside the tan portable, or behind the pile of boxes.
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Inside the large gray building with the only above ground bomb spot, go behind any of the two gray vents.? It provides cover of the whole room, and it's a great spot to sit and wait for CT's to come and diffuse the bomb.? Watch out for CT's in the rafters though, as you're easily visible to them.? Also be careful for CT's coming out of the tan portable to your left.? I suggest hiding behind the vent farthest to the left as it provides ample cover for you, and gives you the advantage of more cover if you happen to be spotted.?If you do decide to attack someone, make sure you kill him, before he kills you BUM BUM BUUUM!? If you're caught after the attack chances are that you will die.? For starters, they'll have a full clip, you won't.?Also if you're as compulsive as I am about it, you'll probably start reloading after you unload into them.?So go for a headshot.? If you do happen to fire, not kill them, and then get a chance to run, bolt out of the opening into the main area.? If they retreat, switch vents.? That way when they come back in, they won't know where to check and you'll have the head start again.
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Planting the bomb in the above ground spot is the best one in my opinion.?What you should do to make it more difficult for the CT's to diffuse it is to place the bomb in a not so obvious spot.?Place the bomb AS close to the boxes as possible.? Also try to put the bomb behind the boxes.? I know what you're thinking, what's putting the bomb behind the box going to do??Well even if it does only take a few seconds to find the bomb, that CT did waste a few seconds. And when you're diffusing a bomb, as we all know from SG's wonderfully humorous DA section¦seconds count!
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Now for the underground bomb spot, the best place to lay it would be to place it near or as close to the box as possible.? I haven't found a very sneaky spot to place it in.? But it doesn't matter because that room is so easily guarded you won't need a good spot.? Once you lay the bomb go hop into the vents, now sit and watch your back.? When you see/hear a CT go diffuse the bomb, hop out and unload your gun into his back. Now rinse and repeat : P !! ads
See what I'm talking about again
See what I'm talking about
From your SP, run clear down to the opening.? Go to the boxes on your left.? Set yourself up with a rifle, or sub behind there and mow down and T's that come along.? Watch out for the roof, and the opening behind you (Again nice to have a spotter helping you out).? This spot is good because it covers 2 areas that usually get heavy traffic during this map, and gives you two routes to fall back to. Your base itself, and into the building which can lead everywhere.? I suggest scrambling up the ladder and getting an elevated position if you're outnumbered.
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Starting again from your SP, run out to the opening turn left this time pass the box area, and go into the opening that leads into the gray building.?Here you have COMPLETE coverage of the oncoming T's, beware of spot #2 I listed above, because if you don't look there, chances are they'll have a bead on you.? A quick shot fired through those boxes occasionally also helps as T's might crawl over there making it hard for you to see them, until it's too late.?Vulnerable areas to this spot, the entrance you came through, keep an eye on that door I listed in #1 because if it's not covered you can be sure T's will be pouring through there sooner or later.?Also watch for T's that make it past your LOF, they can use that red portable for cover, and get in that room with you real quick.? The good thing about this spot is it's easy to abandon ship if it gets too intense.?The best route is to fall back and head underground using the passage that is out the side opening, to your right.?Down there are long hallways that any T would be a fool to follow a CT with a rifle down into.? Also if you don't want to risk a firefight, hide behind the wall next to left of the passage.? With a little luck, the T should run RIGHT by you ; ).
?See what I'm talking about
The wall I just mentioned can also be used as a good sniper's nest.? You should be able to cover the roof from there, and any T's coming out of the door by your SP.? They usually don't see you because: one, they'll more than likely check the building I listed in #2 first, and two, it's one of the more darker areas on the map.? Again if you're spotted, head right down into the halls.? They shouldn't follow you in, and if they do snipe their sorry asses.?
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The roof, and the rafters.? These spots have LIMITLESS possibilities use your imagination.? The particular spots I like to use are: If I'm low on health or my team is getting worked, I tend to camp right above the ladder in front of my SP.?T's don't normally expect it, and you can more times than not get the first shot off.? Also just the top area of the rafters is good facing towards the main opening into the above ground bomb spot.? If you want to trick them up, use one of the crossbeams, run to the support beams in the middle of the room, crouch jump through them, then go stand on the OTHER side of the room.? I really suggest this one. It's pretty original, and T's sometimes just run right out to plant the bomb, or clear the area without even checking that spot (See what I'm talking about... some more).? Plus it gives you clear coverage of the other side.?If you get into trouble, or you need to get down fast, take the crossbeam that runs over the tan portable I mentioned above, now when you get over it crawl off the beam, and before you hit the portable release crouch.? This will make you sustain less damage. I've made that fall with a loss as little as 2H (Health).
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For the underground bomb spot, try to use EOS (Element of Surprise).? This works well.? Don't just come through those sliding doors, shoot through the windows, or come guns a blazing down the front ramp, anything to throw off the camping T's down below.? Your best bet in my opinion is to come through the vents.? While it makes noise when you're about to come out, it is one of the (Surprisingly enough) least watched spots in that section of the map.?If done correctly you can clear that room and still have plenty of time to diffuse the bomb. I suggest shooting out BOTH the vents then choosing one to come out of. Or if possible coming out of a vent already with the cover missing. You should do some recon, before busting in.? Maybe you can spot the T and not have to worry about wondering where he is.? If you can see him it makes this procedure much easier.? But often times they're underneath the catwalk you come out on to.? So you cannot see them.
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The most important strategy for ANY diffusion map! Always come prepared, no that does not mean bring plenty of condoms you pr0n phr33ks! That means buy a diffuser! Every round! You should have the money; it's 200 bucks!? So remember it is your DUTY as a Counter-Terrorist of the Counter-Strike republic, TO BUY A DAMN DEFUSER! Thank you? : )